Previously, when I grandparent who came from the mother is still living, I often requested by him to do a little massage massage. Slowly my knowledge in this world massage massage increases in line with the teachings given by my grandparent's. In addition some of the books that have been a massage Akupuntur purchased by my mother. what I do to overcome the headache or toothache.

From my experience massage massage, the most effective way to mitigate the pain or tooth pain is to rub the pain remover. With the squeeze of this region, pain is good pain because of toothache or headache, and possibly calm can be eliminated. Akupuntur point in the book is often called spot remover pain. Mirit with sedation may be.remover point where this pain?

If you are affected by headache or any rheumatic disease,squeeze do with the way a hand massage is between the thumb and index finger. Then follow with squeeze in this area are also in the foot. Make squeeze patients or themselves until you feel sick because of this squeeze . Sick this fair and do not hold-resistant. Sick leave because squeeze in progress. After that you can feel the pain if you have a toothache and you can be decreased or not.

To experience the world squeeze this, I just feel grateful squeeze tips on this, because the result is the rather successful. So if you do not have aspirin pill or paregoric, just do the action squeeze as I suggest above. Maybe this can help


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