Fruit or dates in arabic Tamar phoenix classified in the family. A set of species such as palm oil palm fruit while stalk as betel nuts. Dates contain a high property as raisins and dried apricot. Including dates with rich protein, fiber, sugar, vitamins A and C and minerals or extractive substances such as iron, calcium, sodium and potasium.
Muslims are based on dates with said Prophet the other meaning: "Home is no home like dates that do not have any food." Dates are appointed by higher because he has the actual value of the food is high.
Matrix protein in the palm approximately 1.8 to 2.0 per hundred, 2.0 to 4.0 fiber per hundred womb where sugar 50 to 57 every hundred glucose. This shows the actual sugar in it have been exchanged in the beginning. Meaningful when we eat the dates, of which the body is absorbed immediately. Instead of sugar in most fruits and fraktosa known as cane sugar or regular sugar contains sukrosa can not continue to absorb in the body. He had to be solved first before the exchange by enzyme glucose ago absorbed into the body as energy.
allow with the dates because the fasting person does not eat for 12 hours. Dates and contribute energy to the off-take and someone makes it easier to prayer and worship maghrib or tarawih. When the body feel fresh and vigorous prevent it we eat or the excessive appetite. Sometimes open time we eat too much, but still tired and not forceful. The food that contains carbohydrate taken mostly without power immediately into the cause is finished eating, the eyes are sleepy.
We eat without waste palm skin that contains fiber. While the actual vitamin A and C are very high in the ranking khalal or rotab and decreased slightly at the Tamar. In addition it contains extractive substances and the most widely known as potasium. Potasium needed by the body because the nervous system to date is excellant source or sources of healing. Indeed, in milk, yogurt and seafood also contains potasium but few in number.
The potasium excessive toksid not cumulate in the body or remove. Instead it stimulates the appetite for food and is a good group for the constipation, muscle weakness, body out of breath, tired, listless, and the pressure to strengthen the memory. Many think only of good raisins to strengthen the memory, Perhaps the top reason for certain parties or countries out wine has run eat raisins and to popular savor.
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