Honey has so much property for the benefit health. In fact, honey is also often used to maintain the beauty of the skin.

Since honey was first used as a basic treatment of the skin. In addition to the soft texture, very rich honey womb will vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and potasium that can be used as a moisturizer, even fresher face mask.

Well, for those who want to learn more about honey to savor the beauty, harmless to try some recipes below. Gynecology honey is not only can maintain the beauty of the skin and prevent early, but can also keep your skin beautiful hair.

To apply the honey as a facial cleanser, there are several stages that must be adopted. That is mixed 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon glycerin (can be obtained at the pharmacy), and 1 tsp wheat flour. Intervention and then to average wipe on the face and neck. leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

For you who want to use the honey as a face-up, can follow the stages below. The first intervention of water 1 spoon lemon, 1 tsp honey and 2 egg white. Then the intervention to the average, then wipe the entire face and neck skin. leave for 15 minutes, Rinse with warm water, then dry with a towel while slowly clap-clap. Very suitable for oily skin tends to be normal.

Honey can also be used as a moisturizer, which is the way Mix 2 tablespoon honey and 2 tbs milk. Then poke to the average. wipe on the face and neck, leave for 10 minutes, then Rinse with warm water. Do routinely to avoid dry skin.

Not only useful as a facial moisturizer course, honey can also be used as a lip moisturizer. wipe honey on the lips every night before bed. This step helps to dampen soft and lips, and mouth to avoid skin broken in pieces.

Honey can also be used to scrub that works to lift skin cells die slowly while maintaining the nutritional and skin humid. Steps that must be done in a way that is Mix 1 tablespoon kaolin (a kind of natural mineral that can be obtained at the store of chemicals), 1 tsp corn flour seeds and 1 tablespoon honey. Then wipe on the face and neck, and then scrub with a circular motion. Rinse with warm water.

In addition to the scrubs, you can also use honey for soaking. Mixed ¼ cup full cream milk powder, ½ cup honey, and 4 drops of essential oil of lavender or rose in the vessel. Mixture is then input into the bath tub that was filled with warm water. soaking for about 15 minutes. In addition to relaxation, soaping with a mixture of honey and milk, can help improve humid and skin delicacy.

Not just for the beauty of the skin, honey may also be useful as a hair conditioner and hair mask. For you who want to use honey conditioner, Mix ½ cup honey and ¼ cup olive oil. Then wipe on hair little by little until all the hair coat, leave 30 minutes, wash with shampoo and Rinse well.

In the meantime, if you want to use honey as a hair mask, mixed ¼ cup honey, 2 tablespoon olive oil and 1 spoon the lime juice. wipe on hair and scalp while a massage. Then close the hair with shower cap and leave for 15-30 minutes in order to sew perfect. Next, Rinse until clean with warm water and sam
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