Previously, when I grandparent who came from the mother is still living, I often requested by him to do a little massage massage. Slowly my knowledge in this world massage massage increases in line with the teachings given by my grandparent's. In addition some of the books that have been a massage Akupuntur purchased by my mother. what I do to overcome the headache or toothache.

From my experience massage massage, the most effective way to mitigate the pain or tooth pain is to rub the pain remover. With the squeeze of this region, pain is good pain because of toothache or headache, and possibly calm can be eliminated. Akupuntur point in the book is often called spot remover pain. Mirit with sedation may be.remover point where this pain?

If you are affected by headache or any rheumatic disease,squeeze do with the way a hand massage is between the thumb and index finger. Then follow with squeeze in this area are also in the foot. Make squeeze patients or themselves until you feel sick because of this squeeze . Sick this fair and do not hold-resistant. Sick leave because squeeze in progress. After that you can feel the pain if you have a toothache and you can be decreased or not.

To experience the world squeeze this, I just feel grateful squeeze tips on this, because the result is the rather successful. So if you do not have aspirin pill or paregoric, just do the action squeeze as I suggest above. Maybe this can help


Skin of healthy people will look more fresh and young. Especially for women who want to look beautiful and ageless, and skin health one of the most important that must be observed.

Do not Smoking
Smoking will damage the skin in small circulation, thus making the skin look dull and not bright. will add wrinkles on the skin, especially on the skin around the mouth.

Balanced diet
Diet with healthy food that is balanced, contains many vegetables and fruits to meet the adequacy of vitamin, mineral and anti oksidan.

Sports that will be organized and make skin healthy body weight is ideal.

Adequate sleep
Sleep is necessary to improve the body's cells are damaged, including skin cells. Make skin and body back fresh.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Excessive consumption of alcohol can also damage the heart.

Protect from sun rays
Danger of sunlight is ultraviolet A rays that eradiate, which can damage the skin collagen network. will thin skin and wrinkles occur easily.

keep Stress
Stress can damage health in addition, will also affect the face and form of your body


Fruit is one of the types of food that has a womb nutrition, vitamins and minerals that are generally very good to eat every day. Supplements

compared with chemical drugs that are sold in shops, the fruit is far more secure without the dangerous side effects from the price, and

generally much cheaper than the supplements that have the same functionality.

Below we can see the contents, property and health benefits of some types of fruit that is in the earth:

1. Tomatoes (Tomato)
- Tomatoes contain vitamin A, B1 and C.
- Tomato can help clean the liver and blood of our hearts.
- Tomato can prevent various diseases and other health disturbances such as:
a. gum bleeding.
b. dim twilight / dirty chicken.
c. blood clotting.
d. caecum.
e. prostat cancer and breast cancer.

2. fruit papaya (papaya)
- Papaya contain vitamin C and provitamin A.
- Papaya can help solve food fiber in the digestive system.
- Papaya can making smooth channel digestion of food.
- Can cope with papaya or treat various diseases and other health disturbances such as:
a. wound healing.
b. eliminate infection.
c. the allergic

3. Bananas (BANANA)
- Bananas contain vitamin A, B1, B2 and C.
- Bananas can help reduce stomach acid.
- Bananas can help maintain water balance in the body.
- Bananas can cope or treat various diseases and other health disturbances such as:
a. interference in the stomach.
b. heart disease and stroke
c. stress
d. koleterol lower level in the blood.

4. fruit Mango(MANGO)
- Mango contains vitamins A, E and C.
- Can act as a mango disinfektan.
- Mango can clean the blood.
- Can cope with mango or treat various diseases and other health disturbances such as:
a. body odor / bb / body odor that is not good.
b. reduce body heat during a fever.

- Stoberi contain provitamin A, vitamin B1, B and C.
- Stobery contain antioxidants to fight free radical oxygen.
- Strawbery have a purpose / function of health, such as:
a. treat disturbances in bladder health.
b. to be anti-virus
c. to be anti-cancer

6. fruit Apple (APPLE)
- Apples contain vitamins A, B and C.
- Aple can help lower cholesterol level in blood.
- Apples have a purpose / function of health, such as:
a. to be anti-cancer substances.
b. reduce the appetite is too big.

7.fruit orange (ORANGE)
- Oranges contain vitamin A, B1, B2 and C.
- Orange anti cancer for the body.
- Citrus can prevent and treat various diseases and other health disturbances such as:
a. sariawan treat.
b. kardiovaskuler reduce risk exposure, cancer, and cataracts.

8. fruit pear / pear (pear)
- Pear contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
- Pear contains anti oksidan to maintain good health.
- Pear may prevent various diseases and other health disturbances such as:
a. reduce fever / hot body.
b. dilute remove sputum and cough on berdahak.

9. fruit guava RED / RED(Guava)
- Red cashew contain vitamin C which is very large.
- Red cashew contain substances antioxidan and antikanker.
- Red cashew have usefulness / health functions such as:
a. reduce blood cholesterol level
b. treat infections.
c. keep sariawan treat.
d. facilitate the circulation of blood.
e. alimentary tract smooth.
f. prevent constipation.

10. fruit melon (watermelon)
- Watermelon contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
- Watermelon can be anti alergi.
- Watermelon have usability / function of health, such as:
such as:
a. lower cholesterol level.
b. and prevent a heart attack.

11. fruit MELON (Honeydew)
- Melon contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
- Melon contain anti-cancer substances and anti oksidan.
- Melon have usefulness / health functions such as:
a. prevent blood clot.
b. clean the skin.
c. smooth alimentary tract.
d. lower degree kolestrerol.

12. fruit Carrot (Carrot)
- Carrot is rich in vitamin A.
- Carrot to maintain good eye health.
- Use of carrots have / health functions such as:
a. increase the body's immune and physical endurance.
b. still keep the heart healthy.

13. FRUIT (Fruit STAR)
- Star fruit contains vitamin C and provitamin A.
- Star fruit can help facilitate the digestion of food.
- Star fruit have a purpose / function of health, such as:
a. lower blood pressure.
b. decrease the degree / level of cholesterol in the body.

14. fruit pineapple (pineapple)
- Pineapple contains vitamin B and C.
- Pineapple can prevent exposure of stroke and heart attack / receipt.
- Pineapple can treat various diseases and other health disturbances such as:
a. wound healing.
b. cure infection in alimentary tract.

To be without a healthy natural chemicals qite Eat a variety of fruit every day for the health of our bodies is very valuable.
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Fruit or dates in arabic Tamar phoenix classified in the family. A set of species such as palm oil palm fruit while stalk as betel nuts. Dates contain a high property as raisins and dried apricot. Including dates with rich protein, fiber, sugar, vitamins A and C and minerals or extractive substances such as iron, calcium, sodium and potasium.

Muslims are based on dates with said Prophet the other meaning: "Home is no home like dates that do not have any food." Dates are appointed by higher because he has the actual value of the food is high.

Matrix protein in the palm approximately 1.8 to 2.0 per hundred, 2.0 to 4.0 fiber per hundred womb where sugar 50 to 57 every hundred glucose. This shows the actual sugar in it have been exchanged in the beginning. Meaningful when we eat the dates, of which the body is absorbed immediately. Instead of sugar in most fruits and fraktosa known as cane sugar or regular sugar contains sukrosa can not continue to absorb in the body. He had to be solved first before the exchange by enzyme glucose ago absorbed into the body as energy.

allow with the dates because the fasting person does not eat for 12 hours. Dates and contribute energy to the off-take and someone makes it easier to prayer and worship maghrib or tarawih. When the body feel fresh and vigorous prevent it we eat or the excessive appetite. Sometimes open time we eat too much, but still tired and not forceful. The food that contains carbohydrate taken mostly without power immediately into the cause is finished eating, the eyes are sleepy.

We eat without waste palm skin that contains fiber. While the actual vitamin A and C are very high in the ranking khalal or rotab and decreased slightly at the Tamar. In addition it contains extractive substances and the most widely known as potasium. Potasium needed by the body because the nervous system to date is excellant source or sources of healing. Indeed, in milk, yogurt and seafood also contains potasium but few in number.

The potasium excessive toksid not cumulate in the body or remove. Instead it stimulates the appetite for food and is a good group for the constipation, muscle weakness, body out of breath, tired, listless, and the pressure to strengthen the memory. Many think only of good raisins to strengthen the memory, Perhaps the top reason for certain parties or countries out wine has run eat raisins and to popular savor.


Honey has so much property for the benefit health. In fact, honey is also often used to maintain the beauty of the skin.

Since honey was first used as a basic treatment of the skin. In addition to the soft texture, very rich honey womb will vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and potasium that can be used as a moisturizer, even fresher face mask.

Well, for those who want to learn more about honey to savor the beauty, harmless to try some recipes below. Gynecology honey is not only can maintain the beauty of the skin and prevent early, but can also keep your skin beautiful hair.

To apply the honey as a facial cleanser, there are several stages that must be adopted. That is mixed 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon glycerin (can be obtained at the pharmacy), and 1 tsp wheat flour. Intervention and then to average wipe on the face and neck. leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

For you who want to use the honey as a face-up, can follow the stages below. The first intervention of water 1 spoon lemon, 1 tsp honey and 2 egg white. Then the intervention to the average, then wipe the entire face and neck skin. leave for 15 minutes, Rinse with warm water, then dry with a towel while slowly clap-clap. Very suitable for oily skin tends to be normal.

Honey can also be used as a moisturizer, which is the way Mix 2 tablespoon honey and 2 tbs milk. Then poke to the average. wipe on the face and neck, leave for 10 minutes, then Rinse with warm water. Do routinely to avoid dry skin.

Not only useful as a facial moisturizer course, honey can also be used as a lip moisturizer. wipe honey on the lips every night before bed. This step helps to dampen soft and lips, and mouth to avoid skin broken in pieces.

Honey can also be used to scrub that works to lift skin cells die slowly while maintaining the nutritional and skin humid. Steps that must be done in a way that is Mix 1 tablespoon kaolin (a kind of natural mineral that can be obtained at the store of chemicals), 1 tsp corn flour seeds and 1 tablespoon honey. Then wipe on the face and neck, and then scrub with a circular motion. Rinse with warm water.

In addition to the scrubs, you can also use honey for soaking. Mixed ¼ cup full cream milk powder, ½ cup honey, and 4 drops of essential oil of lavender or rose in the vessel. Mixture is then input into the bath tub that was filled with warm water. soaking for about 15 minutes. In addition to relaxation, soaping with a mixture of honey and milk, can help improve humid and skin delicacy.

Not just for the beauty of the skin, honey may also be useful as a hair conditioner and hair mask. For you who want to use honey conditioner, Mix ½ cup honey and ¼ cup olive oil. Then wipe on hair little by little until all the hair coat, leave 30 minutes, wash with shampoo and Rinse well.

In the meantime, if you want to use honey as a hair mask, mixed ¼ cup honey, 2 tablespoon olive oil and 1 spoon the lime juice. wipe on hair and scalp while a massage. Then close the hair with shower cap and leave for 15-30 minutes in order to sew perfect. Next, Rinse until clean with warm water and sam
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How to set up is actually easy to eat it, remember the origin of 4 perfectly healthy 5.
We feel sure you know what it is 4 perfect healthy 5. 4 that consists of healthy rice (carbohydrate) with a side dish(animal protein and fat), vegetables (vegetable protein, fiber and vitamins) and fruits (vitamin), and last, as a complement / 5 perfect, the milk. Basically make sure you can recruit Feed materials, food is important for your body every day.
As for the other people with the condition / disease-specific, such as diabetes, then the food and drink must be made low sugar (carbohydrate) and fat.

As mentioned earlier, the food that contains carbohydrates such as rice kind of yes (both rice and red rice from white rice) or tubers (like potatoes, cassava, cassava or yam). Bread can also be categorized foods contain carbohydrate.
Protein was 2 kinds: vegetable protein (protein plants, such as nuts) and animal (animal protein, such as eggs, meat, and fish).
While the food is like the fat on meat (especially consumed with skin)and fruits(such as avocado, mango or nanas).
We need to counterbalance consume carbohydrate, protein and fat because they are important in the metabolism of the body and the body system as a whole. However, if you consume excessive, the effect of the body is not so good as well, such as a bit excessive consume of fat or carbohydrate, but sooner or body metabolism diligent
tense sport, so can not be avoided if the long run the more fat the body can be. That does not sound the same, right?
Consumption between the 2 protein (animal and vegetable) that must also be balanced, in other words, if not well Feed protein is obtained from only one kind only, such as eggs or meat course, vegetable protein and are more for the body's metabolism while our food protein, would be better if Feed vegetable and animal protein comparable.

milk is a complement, because in the milk, a carbohydrate, protein, fat, and vitamins, just fewer in number. You need a milk, if food and drink that you consume less day-to-day to meet the needs of the body. However, if it does not mean that food-drink consumption has met the needs, then you do not need to drink milk. Nowadays, many have been created with distinctive milk womb calcium, provit D, prebiotik and others, does not have one if you drink milk type that, in order to further secure your health.


As already discussed in the way of healthy eating, the food we eat should be balanced with the activity / physical activity we, if we only activity-

sit or sit in office rarely conduct activities that are the food that we eat contain a lot of calories, the excess energy This will be stored as fat

reserves and fat reserves when the slump will cause the body to be overweight (overweight) and will be the Obesity.

The best way to prevent obesity is the food that we eat with the activity carried out, easy What we eat a lot, we have a lot of activity /

How do I exercise a healthful?, Here are some tips to healthy exercise:
* Heating is very important. Musculature we must be prepared in advance. Do
for 5-10 minutes with slow activity.

* The frequency is determined, how often we process sport in a week, which
most good 3-5 times, and this must be done regularly.

* The intensity of exercise (the size of the effort made). process sport should be to
sweat and breathe in the. Do not be afraid not to arise
comfortable, try to increase heart rate to 60-90% of normal.

* Time is also set. Research shows when we do exercise during the
30 minutes will result with the same exercise for 10 minutes performed 3 times
with the same intensity.

* Cooling left do not. When we run out of exercise and stop arriving
out, we may experience muscle stiffness, feeling weak, dizzy and can even
fainting. Do with the cooling run or doing flexible slow
for 5-10 minutes.

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